Thursday 12 July 2007

Much Ado About Nothing

To help you to begin to explore the play, perhaps have a look at this excellent website.

Thursday 28 June 2007

Leavers Meal

Don't forget to be at the restaurant tonight!
We are looking forward to saying goodbye to our lovely year 13's!!

Monday 18 June 2007

A2 Trojan Women Revision

For various reasons a number of people didn't manage to get to the revision session on Monday 18th. Only 1 person had an exam that day as far as I know, so where were you?


There are two further sessions. Make sure you are there if you need help.

Wednesday 20th June Period 4

Monday 25th June Period 3

Mrs Hayes

'Blood Brothers'

To help you with understanding the play and the differences betwen the original play and the version we are going to see the following websites are really useful.

Click on Blood Brothers(musical). Good for general plot and backgound information

Detailed information including ways of exploring the text

Mrs Hayes

GCSE 'Blood Brothers' Theatre Trip

Letters are now available for the trip to see 'Blood Brothers' at the Phoenix Theatre, London on Thursday September 13th. Remember all money, reply and information slips must be returned by July 20th.

Mrs Hayes

Friday 8 June 2007

Year 9 Letters from WW1 Trenches

Congratulations to all those students in year 9 who have worked hard to create an authentic looking letter home from the trenches. There are some excellent examples which have created a sense of the terrible conditions that would have been experienced on the front line, and how much they would have missed their families.

Thursday 19 April 2007

AS Exams Tonight!

7:oopm FirstExam

After Easter
Find Me
My Mother Said I Never Should

Need help writing your letter homework?

Why not try using these web sites to help you write your letter home from the trenches? Read about Albert French, who joined up at 16 and the letters he wrote home to his family on the 'mkheritage site'.

Have a go at the 'life in the trenches' game which is on the active history website. (password qeschool; username stalin)

Friday 9 March 2007

Do you have news??

If you have Drama news you want to post on the QE Drama blog, please email it to Miss Jennings at


GCSE Exam dates 9th of 10th May
Keep checking with your teachers what date and time your exam will be.

AS and A2 Exam dates - 19th and 26th April
Performances start at 7pm and you are all welcome to be part of the audience!

Useful War Links

Why not do your research by checking out some of these web sites??

The BBC has an excellent site

Imperial War Museum

World War 1 - trenches on the web

Tuesday 6 March 2007

World War One

After Easter Year 9 students at QE will be exploring WW1, and the effect this devastating war had upon the soldiers who fought in it and the families left behind.